What Is a Slot?
A slot is a tiny opening or groove in something. A mail slot in the post office is an example. It is used to route a single plane into a busy terminal. If there are multiple flights, one might end up waiting too long for a flight. A slot helps prevent this. Here are some important facts about slots. How does a slot work? Let’s look at some common slots in use today. Read on to learn about their benefits and limitations.
A slot is a computer processor connection that was first introduced in 1997 by the Intel Corporation. AMD soon followed, producing a larger slot that was used with Pentium II processors. Most new computers no longer use this type of connector and instead use sockets. Sockets are the replacement for slots, and both types can be found in some older models. Despite the popularity of sockets, the word “slot” can be misleading for the consumer.
A slot is often referred to as a hole. It is a place where a computer’s processor connects. The original slot was introduced by the Intel Corporation in 1997. In 1999, AMD released a smaller version of the same connector, called Slot A. The two slots were not compatible, but the redesigned slots were made to be compatible with each other. In 2003, Intel came out with the larger Slot 2, which was used with Pentium II processors. A slot is no longer the norm for new computers, and sockets are now the standard for these types of connections.