The Casino of the Twenty-First Century
In the 1990s, casinos began utilizing more technology to supervise games. Computers and video cameras routinely monitor all casino games. “Chip tracking” involves betting chips that contain built-in microcircuitry. This allows casinos to monitor wagers minute by minute. Roulette wheels are also regularly monitored for statistical deviations. In some countries, casino management provides players with free drinks or cigarettes if they bet a large amount. A typical gambler can expect to spend at least $2,000 per hour in a casino.
When it comes to gambling, many casinos have unusual rules and regulations. Some states even prohibit gambling in casinos, though there are no laws prohibiting it. While casinos are popular in the U.S., some states do not allow gambling in their jurisdictions. If you plan to visit a casino, be sure to follow the state’s gambling laws and the federal government’s rules. You should never play money you cannot afford to lose, but if you have an extra $100 or so to spend, make sure to follow the house’s rules.
In the twenty-first century, casinos are much choosier when it comes to their customers. High rollers spend far more money than average gamblers and often play in separate rooms from the main floor. Their stakes can reach tens of thousands of dollars. Since these gamblers represent such a large percentage of the overall gambling market, casinos invest heavily in these patrons and award them lavish personal attention. They are not, however, the only people who visit casinos.