What is a Casino?
A Casino is a facility where different games of chance can be played. It may also feature other entertainment options such as stage shows and dramatic scenery. Many modern casinos are designed to be tourist attractions as well as gambling venues.
Most casinos have security measures to prevent cheating and stealing by patrons and employees. These include cameras and guards. In some cases, they will hire private security firms to provide additional protection. In addition, some casinos will employ specialized security forces to patrol the premises and respond to calls for assistance or reports of suspicious or definite criminal activity.
In addition to traditional casino games, most casinos offer several Far Eastern games such as sic bo, fan-tan, and pai gow. They also have a number of poker rooms, where players play against each other rather than the house.
Casinos are businesses, and like any other business they must make a profit. As such, they have a built-in advantage over the customers that is mathematically determined and known as the house edge. This advantage ensures that in the long run the casino will always win.
Casinos use various methods to encourage their patrons to gamble more often and spend more money. One of the most common is offering free goods and services to “good” patrons, called comps. These can include things such as free hotel rooms, meals, tickets to shows and even limo service and airline tickets.