Casino – A Dark and Unsettling Film
Whether playing online or on the ground, casinos are exciting places where champagne glasses clink and people mingle. The sound of slot machines ringing and the smell of pure excitement create an energy that is hard to ignore. A good casino should have a dedicated support team to resolve problems quickly and offer help when needed.
Despite its dark and unsettling subject matter, the gambling industry is a lucrative one that provides many jobs to people of all backgrounds. Thousands of employees work in various parts of the world, and each casino has its own personality that helps it stand out from competitors. Some are very high-profile, with luxurious locations and a large clientele. Others are more discreet, with a smaller clientele but a highly professional approach to the gaming process.
In his film, Scorsese captures a liminal space, not between Victorianism and Modernism but between organized crime and big business. The rough blur of gangsters, even the bloody climax, is a familiar sight to most of us; but tucked into the picture’s seams are the equally familiar foibles and corruptions of union leaders and corporate executives.
It is a movie about a world of greed and betrayal, and it is as gripping in its own way as the more sanitized Boogie Nights a few years later. While it may seem to pander to nostalgia for a time that never existed, Casino also carries with it a healthy dose of skepticism about what will replace it.